Posts by Peter
three thousand and thirty-two
Level 1, Mailbox car park Moderate Approaching the ticket machine
three thousand and thirty-one
Office bedroom Moderate to strong The sampling distribution of the mean for samples of size n
three thousand and thirty
Kitchen Moderate to strong Biobank diet survey
three thousand and twenty-nine
Kitchen Moderate Filling kettle
three thousand and twenty-eight
Bull Ring Moderate The idea that that Bob Marley picture, or that Dirty Dancing picture, would make an inappropriate gift
three thousand and twenty-seven
Front room Moderate Waiting for the Eurovision vote bit and reading about political half-scandals
three thousand and twenty-six
Middleton Road, Kings Heath Moderate to strong Going to buy teabags
three thousand and twenty-five
Top deck of 50 bus, Bradford St, Birmingham Moderate to strong On way to M248 tutorial
three thousand and twenty-four
Cannon Hill Park Moderate to strong Finishing picnic, thoughts turn to feeding the ducks
three thousand and twenty-three
Front room Moderate The game of Tummy Ache, and paying cafés
three thousand and twenty-two
Threshold, Sainsbury’s Kings Heath Moderate Entering
three thousand and twenty-one
Lounge sitting room Moderate Going to wash my hands
three thousand and twenty
Office bedroom Moderate Twitter
three thousand and nineteen
Front room Moderate to strong Adverts on the Guardian homepage (Andrew Collins)
three thousand and eighteen
Outside Asda, Kings Heath Moderate About to cross the road
three thousand and seventeen
Kitchen Moderate to strong Getting a spoon
three thousand and sixteen
Front room Moderate to strong Eggs on Peppa Pig
three thousand and fifteen
Bedroom Moderate Neck pain
three thousand and fourteen
Kitchen Moderate Hanging up washing
three thousand and thirteen
Front room Moderate to strong Unpausing BBC4
three thousand and twelve
Kitchen area, Lodge 5, Heron View, Hoborne Cotswolds Moderate Washing up
three thousand and eleven
Heron Lodge cafe, Hoborne Cotswolds Moderate to strong Sneezecount notebook
three thousand and ten
Heron Lodge cafe, Hoborne Cotswolds Moderate Sneezecount notebook
three thousand and nine
Heron Lodge cafe, Hoborne Cotswolds Moderate Comparing menus
three thousand and eight
Front room Moderate to strong “So it’s exciting times in terms of the science, in terms of the computation, and in terms of the statistics”
three thousand and seven
Aldi Cannon Hill car park Moderate to strong About to return trolley
three thousand and six
Studio Theatre, Warwick Arts Centre Moderate Stan’s Cafe: The Cardinals (Jericho)
three thousand and five
Kitchen Moderate Deleting a duplicate tweet in drafts
three thousand and four
Playground, Kings Heath Primary School Moderate to strong Email on the phone
three thousand and three
Kitchen Moderate to strong Dishwasher
three thousand and two
Kitchen Moderate Rinsing a bottle (infant)
three thousand and one
Bathroom Moderate to strong Cleaning my teeth
three thousand
AE Harris, Birmingham Moderate Ping it, Ring it, Roll it, Write it
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine
Kitchen Moderate Draining a tin of butter beans
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight
Front room Moderate to strong Text message re takeaway menus
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-seven
Bedroom Moderate to strong Sitting on the bed
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-six
Kitchen Moderate to strong Waiting for a FinalBullet page to load
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-five
Gents, floor 25, The Cube, Birmingham Moderate Selecting a flannel hand towel
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-four
Front room Moderate to strong Newsnight and a bit of Tom Watson on Twitter
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-three
Kitchen Moderate to strong “Buttering” toast
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-two
Kitchen Moderate to strong Text to James Y re Thursday
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-one
Changing room, Budokan, Birmingham Moderate Getting ready for the 11-16 class
two thousand, nine hundred and ninety
Office bedroom Moderate I was probably looking for a pen
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-nine
Aldi Cannon Hill Moderate Queue
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-eight
Bridges Café Bar, mac Moderate to strong Approaching flapjacks
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven
Front room Moderate The Adopt an Object page for BMAG
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-six
Infant bedroom Moderate Preparing a blind for installation
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-five
Front room Moderate Selecting a Peppa Pig
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-four
Bedroom Moderate Lying in the dark, thinking of the bag I threw away today
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-three
Kitchen Moderate Cleaning up
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-two
Office bedroom Moderate to strong Sorting papers
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one
Bedroom Moderate to strong A conceptual Duplo dinosaur
two thousand, nine hundred and eighty
Kitchen Moderate Milk from fridge for porridge
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-nine
Kitchen Strong Making tea
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-eight
Kings Heath Baptist church hall Moderate Jumble sale setup (books)
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-seven
Kitchen Moderate Microwave pinging
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six
Corner of Grange Rd and Alcester Rd, Kings Heath Moderate This isn’t the road though
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-five
Attic bedroom Strong Ruby regular expressions
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-four
Ikea Coventry Moderate Checking one of the “seconds” bowls for defects
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-three
Kitchen Moderate Putting a bake into the pot
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-two
Front room Moderate “Can you tidy some of this stuff up please?”
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-one
Car, mac car park Moderate to strong Sitting, wondering what we’re going to do
two thousand, nine hundred and seventy
Kitchen Moderate A bowl
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine
Bedroom Moderate to strong Typing location into BBC/news mobile
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-eight
Kitchen Moderate “That’s not the right song, is it?”
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-seven
Avoncroft Museum car park Moderate Thinking about what I might fit in my bag
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-six
Bedroom Moderate to strong Sneezecount notebook
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-five
Bedroom Moderate to strong Inarticulate explanation of what we have been doing (Pingu, Teletubbies)
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-four
Kitchen Moderate to strong Cutting avocado
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-three
Bedroom Moderate to strong Opening iTunes
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-two
Landing Moderate Leaning over the stair gate to unlock it
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-one
Office bedroom Moderate to strong MINITAB
two thousand, nine hundred and sixty
Front room Moderate Email and Peppa Pig
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-nine
Kitchen Moderate to strong Looking up Beginning Ruby
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight
Front room Moderate Chocolate being unwrapped
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-seven
Kitchen Moderate Looking in the fridge
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six
Sainsbury’s Maypole Moderate Milk
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-five
Front room Moderate Talking about using Sainsbury’s as a play centre
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-four
Attic bedroom Moderate to strong Putting iron away
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-three
Kitchen Moderate Making wooden spoon people
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-two
Kitchen Moderate Emptying the dishwasher but thinking about the London Mayor election
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty-one
Bedroom Moderate Reading comments about last night’s [Newsnight] London Mayor debate
two thousand, nine hundred and fifty
Office bedroom Moderate to strong The Poisson distribution
two thousand, nine hundred and forty-nine
Corner of Grange Rd and Avenue Rd, Kings Heath Moderate A dog in the window of “The Barber Shop”
two thousand, nine hundred and forty-eight
Office bedroom Moderate to strong Searching on Amazon for Practical Web Traffic Analysis
two thousand, nine hundred and forty-seven
Kitchen Moderate to strong Measuring spaghetti
two thousand, nine hundred and forty-six
Kitchen Moderate to strong Inspecting a teaspoon
two thousand, nine hundred and forty-five
Front room Moderate Start of Peppa Pig
two thousand, nine hundred and forty-four
Front room Moderate to strong Watching pictures being shown on a phone
two thousand, nine hundred and forty-three
Kitchen Moderate “It’s edible, but I think it needs a bit more time”
two thousand, nine hundred and forty-two
Sainsbury’s Maypole Moderate Buy/by the Guardians
two thousand, nine hundred and forty-one
Office bedroom Moderate to strong The denial of poo
two thousand, nine hundred and forty
Bedroom Moderate to strong Lying awake scrolling Twitter
two thousand, nine hundred and thirty-nine
Front room Moderate to strong Talking about my blood
two thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight
Bedroom Moderate to strong Dressing: socks
two thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven
Corner of Newhall St and Gt Charles St Moderate Waiting for the start of the Walk The Queensway walking tour
two thousand, nine hundred and thirty-six
Kitchen Moderate Distribution of cakes
two thousand, nine hundred and thirty-five
Bathroom Moderate to strong Putting toothpaste on the brush
two thousand, nine hundred and thirty-four
Sainsbury’s Kings Heath Moderate Approaching [illegible]
two thousand, nine hundred and thirty-three
Kings Heath Baptist church hall Moderate About to embark on a painting (apron on)